Every exam voucher for certification programs on the certN portal contains access for both the official exam as well as unlimited access to mock or practice exams. These practice exams are designed to help you get accustomed to the type of exam questions and simulate the exam environment as closely as possible. While they may differ in length, difficulty level, and number of questions, they offer valuable practice and preparation for the actual exam.
To access the practice exams, you’ll need to register your exam voucher. For instructions on how to do this, please refer this FAQ article..
Please note that practice exams remain available until you have no more attempts left for the main exam. Additionally, for practice exams that provide feedback (not available for all certificates), you can review the exam questions and feedback for up to three months after taking the practice exam.
Benefits of Practice Exams:
- Familiarize yourself with the exam format and question types
- Enhance your exam-taking skills and strategies
- Identify areas for improvement and focus your study efforts
- Gauge your readiness for the actual exam
Enhance Your Practice Exam Experience:
- Take practice exams under exam-like conditions, with a timer and limited distractions
- Thoroughly review the feedback provided for each question, identifying correct answers and areas for improvement
- Utilize practice exams to track your progress and identify areas that require further attention
For a detailed walkthrough, you can watch the instructional video here.
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