The network of an author is by far the best innitial stage to promote a publication.
There are some things we need from you. Can you please respond with the input and let us know what and when you can provide it?
Checklist TODO Authors |
Author has provided or will / will not |
Expected delivery date of author: |
A. Adres |
Yes/ Doing /No |
B. Bank details |
Yes/ Doing /No |
C. Blog |
Yes/ Doing /No |
D. Marketing |
Yes/ Doing /No |
E. Reviewers |
Yes/ Doing /No |
F. Authors BIO |
Yes/ Doing /No |
G. Events |
Yes/ Doing /No |
H. Viewing copy |
Yes/ Doing /No |
I Case-Studie/paper |
Yes/ Doing /No |
Detail explanation:
1. Your home address for your author copies, please provide your home address in full here
(Full name, Street address, City, Postal code, Country):
2. If you did not include your bank details in the contact already? If not please do so, so that we can send you your royalty.
Account Holder Name:
Bank Name:
Bank Address:
Account Number (IBAN)
Also to help us kick-start the promotion can you help us with the following.
3. Blog about the book or domain
Using the provided blog instructions, you can locate a template for crafting a blog. Should it align with a standard or best practice, I can also create a template that outlines the best practice. We urgently require blogs or articles for promotional purposes, so please feel free to request multiple writings.
- Posts & marketing messages
When your book is available, it would be nice to post it on LinkedIn & social media. Please tag (@Van Haren Group) when you do the post. Use hashtags and post in LinkedIn groups and forward your post via 'share' to everyone in your industry for whom it could be relevant. A message like 'I'm very excited to have finished my book 'title' and wanted to let you know about it since I think it could be of interest to you! -
Reviews are vital for book performance. On some websites, you need to have purchased the book to leave a review. Others allow it just by having an account. You have brief reviews like 5 stars or a detailed full review. You need both, and your network is the best place to obtain reviews. 60 reviews on a title can increase sales by 40%, whereas already 5 reviews make a major difference over none.
Globally we have over 1200 distributors, leaving reviews everywhere is impossible. But
But Amazon is the number 1 webshop in the world. You can only leave a review with a book if your account has a certain purchase value.
If you know people that have this do let them place a review with your book when online. Up to 5 reviews can really make a difference.
Amazon also translates it's reviews for other webshops, so one review there goes globally.
- Netherlands (if applicable) In the Netherlands get friends and family to provide book review post at
We can also get them to leave a review here.
-> Also is a good website to leave reviews in the Netherlands.
6. Authors Amazon page, for Amazone you can find in the FAQ.
For Managementboek email an author's BIO to
7. Event sponsoring or speaking at events.
We often sponsor industry events with an ebook for all delegates, this promotes the awareness of your publication.
Also, authors that speak at events get more awareness and a higher boom sales. Do you know industry events with who you have a relation?
Let us know and if possible, make an introduction so we can also promote the event and your publication there.
If you manage to speak at an event also let us know so we can promote or sponsor the event.
8. Teacher viewing copy, we provide trainers, and teacher (and industry reviewers) with free viewing copies.
They can request a viewing copy here:
Do you know such people or organisations? Please guide and facilitate them to obtain the book.
We can also provide the book images for them so they can create teaching materials them self's and proscribe your book.
9.Do you have case-studies or papers about how you standards works with others methods or standards? Please share it with us and inform us, this can really enable us in our marketing efforts!
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