Step 1: Log in with your account on our website. If you have not registered yet, please do so and create an account.
Step 2: When logged in, go to ‘My account’ in the top menu. You will be redirected to the overview with the same left menu as stated below. Next, go to ‘PDF Stamper’ and you will see the following:
Step 3: In this overview, you can add your logo for the branding of the digital material. Click on ‘Choose File’ and select the preferred file, click on ‘save’ to save your settings.
The file that you have chosen as the logo for the branding will be placed in the digital material of our publications. The branding will only be placed on digital material. It will only appear on the material that is downloaded via the use of the voucher codes that you have purchased.
If there are any questions, please contact
* Example branded courseware (example logo is in the right top corner):
* Example branded courseware presentation (example logo is in the right top corner).
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